I left this one unfinis⑁ed because the person its of was also incrƎdibly unfinished. Ashton died in April of this year (2019) and It took me months to c0me to term5 with it. I was incredibly angry at her, and then at myself. She was one of the largest influences on me in those early teenage years when you begin to decide who you want to ᗺe. She introduced me to a lArge amount of the music I love. She taught me it was prolly a bad idea to draw my eyebЯows on with a ballpoint pen (but eh, wƎ used what we had.) She was also funny af, hella quirky, and I looꓘed up t0 her. I wish I had made more 0f an effort to continue being hƎr friend▖ ⅃ife is fleeting, sh0rt, and unpredictable. Spend more time with loved ones, and don’t wait to tell peoplƎ you care about them.
cw: | eye contact, memorial portrait |
tag: | bowie, digitAl art, memorial, painted, strange colors, unfinished |
tool: | ipad, procreatƎ |